

8:00 AM - Communion (In-person)
10:00 AM - (In-person & Online)

9:00 AM - Communion (In-person)
10:00 AM - Lectionary Study (Online)



Announcements October 7 - October 13, 2024

Sunday’s Readings: October 13, 2024, Pentecost 21B, Harvest Thanksgiving 

Joel 2.21-27; Psalm 126; 1 Timothy 2.1-7; Matthew 6.25-33

Parish Notes 

-       We will be doing our Annual Harvest Thanksgiving this Sunday. We bring in harvest products and place them at the altar and then give them to St. Vincent de Paul for their food programs.

-       The fall garden clean up will be Saturday, October 19th (weather permitting). Bring rakes, gloves and whatever you feel is needed.

-       We will have a Special Harvest Bingo and Dinner on Monday evening. You will be given two bingo packs, which cover all games played, and your choice of children or roast beef for dinner.

-         The lunch bag program at St. Michael and All Angels is getting ready for the cold weather.  Currently they have a good supply of hats, socks and scarves, but are low on mittens, so they welcome donations of mittens as well the food items which are always in demand.   For more information, please contact Margot at

-        Trinity United members are making either knit or crocheted teddy bears for each child that moves into their Harmony House. If you are willing/able to help them out, please let Denise know as she can supply wool and the pattern. Harmony House is also looking for Double bed sized quilts for each bed at Harmony House for when they open. 

-         We are in need for people to sign up for coffee and goodies following the 10:00 a.m. service on Sundays.  Sign-up sheet is at the back bulletin board.

-        We would appreciate if people would volunteer to provide flowers for the Altar on Sundays.  Small plants work great and last a few weeks.  Please let Denise (250 562-5611) in the office or Sharon Armistead (250 964-1251) know if you would like to provide anything.   

-         Gardeners of the Church, you’re needed! As of next spring Sharon will no longer be available to oversee the garden and the spring and fall cleanups. We REALLY need someone to step up and take over. Now is the best time to work alongside of Sharon for the summer so you will know what needs to be done thereafter. 

Intercessions this week

  • in The Territory of the People - The Right Rev. Clara Plamondon, Bishop; The people of St. Alban’s, Ashcroft, the Rev. Linda LaGroix, her husband Wayne; the Rev. Canon Lois Petty (Deacon), and their families.
  • in the Anglican Cycle of Prayer - The Episcopal Church in the Philippines
  • in the Anglican Church of Canada - The Most Rev. Lynne McNaughton, Archbishop, and the clergy and people of the Diocese of Kootenay.
  • in our Companion Diocese (Montreal) - Pray for Bishop Mary Irwin Gibson and the Diocese of Montreal – for revival and renewal in the Diocese.
  • in the Evangelical Lutheran Church In Canada - The dean, council, and congregations of the Vancouver Island Region of the British Columbia Synod.     
  • in the ELCIC/ACC Together -Every Child Matters! Remember the Indigenous children who did not return home from residential school; for survivors and their families; for truth, healing, and reconciliation
  • Parishes of the North -

    St. John the Divine (Quesnel), St. Saviours (Barkerville), St. Michael and All Angels, Our Saviours Lutheran Church and Grace Church (Prince George)

  • Those who have died.
This Week at Grace 

Wednesday, October 9, 9:00 a.m. – Mid-week Holy Eucharist.

Wednesday, October 9, 10:00 a.m - Lectionary Bible Study via Zoom. Join Zoom Meeting here.

Thursday, October 10 at 7:00 p.m. - St. John the Divine Bible Study Zoom Meeting.  Join Zoom Meeting here: 

Thursday, October 10 at 7 p.m. – Welcome back to Book Study! We will be looking at We will be looking at Chapter 6 AND Act 3 of ‘You Were Made for this Moment’ by Max Lucado. Join Zoom Meeting here:

Sunday, October 13 at 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. - Holy Eucharist with Rev. George Westgate.


Next Sunday’s Readings: October 20, 2024, Pentecost 22B

Job 38.1-7, 34-41; Psalm 104.1-9, 25, 37b; Hebrews 5.1-10; Mark 10.35-45

Coming Events  

Wednesday, October 16 at 7 p.m. – Parish Council in person at Grace Church.

Saturday, October 19 at 9:30 a.m. - Final fall garden clean up.

Sunday, October 20th at 1:30 p.m. – Soup Bus at St. Vincent de Paul.

Sunday, October 27 at 11:30 a.m. - Hidden Host at Golf & Curling Club.




The Church that Welcomes Everyone


8:00 AM - Communion (In-person)
10:00 AM - (In-person & Online)

9:00 AM - Communion (In-person)
10:00 AM - Lectionary Study (Online)